Facebook response to "Truth & Transgender" post
In regards to the last post,
Please, please, please, hear me out. Ashley and I believe with all our hearts no matter your age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity preference, that you are an invaluable human being. For those that don’t know us personally, I have no doubt you would consider us genuinely kind people (I have yet to meet someone who would say otherwise). We will absolutely be the first to say we are far from perfect, to which the people who know us best will quickly affirm. We truly do, however, strive to show love to all people. If I am being completely honest, we both had to step temporarily step away from Facebook because of the comments implying I am both hateful and close minded were literally starting to make me us feel sick inside.
We can all agree that we will never all agree. Despite this, I truly think it is possible to point out inconsistencies, legal implications, and ask questions of an ideology while at the same time personally showing love to the individuals whom conform to that ideology. I am hopeful that is how all who disagree with Christianity, treat practicing Christians. Perhaps I could have been more sensitive in my wording at times, and for that I will apologize. For all who would like to continue the discussion I simply ask you send me a message so that we will be able to have a more genuine discussion, absent of the influence knowing other people will be reading what we say. Plus it prevents blowing up notifications…
Lots of love,
Tyler & Ashley
Please, please, please, hear me out. Ashley and I believe with all our hearts no matter your age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity preference, that you are an invaluable human being. For those that don’t know us personally, I have no doubt you would consider us genuinely kind people (I have yet to meet someone who would say otherwise). We will absolutely be the first to say we are far from perfect, to which the people who know us best will quickly affirm. We truly do, however, strive to show love to all people. If I am being completely honest, we both had to step temporarily step away from Facebook because of the comments implying I am both hateful and close minded were literally starting to make me us feel sick inside.
We can all agree that we will never all agree. Despite this, I truly think it is possible to point out inconsistencies, legal implications, and ask questions of an ideology while at the same time personally showing love to the individuals whom conform to that ideology. I am hopeful that is how all who disagree with Christianity, treat practicing Christians. Perhaps I could have been more sensitive in my wording at times, and for that I will apologize. For all who would like to continue the discussion I simply ask you send me a message so that we will be able to have a more genuine discussion, absent of the influence knowing other people will be reading what we say. Plus it prevents blowing up notifications…
Lots of love,
Tyler & Ashley
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