Truth & Transgender

Truth & Transgender

I would never have imagined the inclination to address the following issue. It is an issue I am hesitant to call controversial solely because its deviation from both science and reason has exceeded the threshold I thought required to meaningfully influence society. Obviously, I was wrong. Never underestimate a culture that has abandoned God, and with Him, all sense of objective morality.


Beneath the ever expanding acronym, now LGBTQIA, and confusing definitions (see here), at the heart of this ideology is the foundational belief that an individual’s personal feelings reign supreme. No authoritative force exists above, and not even an individual’s own biology is allowed to impose on these feelings. By now, I am sure you have seen in an argument, that even when up against truth itself, no amount of logic or reason will change the outcome: these feelings win, every time. The scales may not be tipped in my favor, but nevertheless I shall write. I pray this post serves as a red flag, warning all who read, that only chaos can proceed from a society that embraces individuals who elevate feelings and emotions over truth and reality.

From the onset, I wish to acknowledge my biggest challenge in writing this is to (1) accurately point out the inconsistencies of the ideology at hand, while (2) being sensitive to the individuals it affects. It is here I want to be extremely clear. If nothing else, may your one takeaway from this article be that I believe with all my heart no matter your age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity preference, that you are an invaluable human being. My Savior’s death on a cross for us all affirms this. May my words never be perceived as an assault on anyone’s God given, inherent self-worth. Despite this, I am fully aware of the difficult situation I find myself in: even by classifying transgender as a mental illness, I will inevitably be accused of being judgmental. To these people, I simply ask you wait to judge me for judging others until the very end.

Let’s get started.

Surprisingly, in the scientific world, what constitutes a mental illness is somewhat blurry. Some conditions are more obvious than others. I will argue these conditions are easier to classify because they are obviously contrary to reality, for example, the schizophrenic man who hears voices when there objectively are none. I would like to ask, is not a female who thinks she is a man also obviously contrary to reality? Science seems to think so. In fact just recently a study was published that revealed over 1500 genetic differences between men and women. We don’t need science to tell us this, though. Ask anyone who has ever pursued a relationship with the opposite sex if there is a difference between the two. To classify this as anything other than a delusion is simply fanciful thinking. 

Reality beckons us to recognize that the transgender community is deeply hurting. Studies have discovered 41% of individuals whom identify as transgender have attempted suicide compared to 1.6% of the general population. I have no reason to doubt advocates have good intentions, but this is an issue where the banner of tolerance should not be allowed to fly. Where tolerance falls short, love can step in. We will never all agree on the final remedy, but I hope we can all find agreement in knowing that more than anything these individuals need to deeply understand they are loved. This is where I am hopeful that we as Christians can do a much better job. We cannot tolerate forty one out of every one hundred transgender individuals trying to kill themselves. A statistic that sadly, doesn’t include the ones who were successful. We cannot tolerate advocating for permanent genital mutilation, more humanely called sex reassignment surgery, when ten years down the road individuals are still twenty times more likely to commit suicide. As a society, we can no longer afford to tolerate embracing the delusions these individuals are suffering from. Yet, this is precisely where the tolerance banner flies the highest. Early this year, Denmark officially removed transgender from its list of recognized mental illnesses. It’s only a matter of time before the United States does the same. I may not be able to change the present stigma associated with the title of mental illness. But as someone who has struggled with depression, I can proudly join arms with all whom are willing, and together stand underneath the label of “mentally ill”.

In an attempt to garner acceptance, proponents of this ideology often attempt to separate biological sex and gender. The World Health Organization defines gender as "socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women" and that "'masculine' and 'feminine' are gender categories.” Using this definition, a significant problem is encountered. In order for behaviors or attitudes to be more or less masculine, they must be moving either closer or further from a defined standard. In other words, a man cannot be more “manly” without properly defining what a man is. For every single culture, in all of human history, this has always been an objective standard, the male sex. Culturally, gender may in fact exist to an extent on a spectrum. After all, I’d love to think of myself falling on the more masculine side than my male counter parts. But that is the whole point, we are all still male. At no point do we cross a “feminine line” making us female. Science leaves no room for this option. I am left with the only rationale conclusion: gender is deeply in the biological reality there exists two sexes, male and female.

You see, we are heading down a one way road I am convinced we truly do not want to be on. With each concession to the purported cause of ‘equality’, our grasp on reality slowly slips away. Is it too late to turn around? Only God knows, but I believe our response to the transgender movement is telling of our final destination. If biological sex is relative to an individual’s feelings, then we have quite frankly lost our ability to classify anything as objective. If I feel African American then I must be allowed to be African American because as we have established, my feelings have become what is most true about me. Am I now eligible for African American scholarships? To suggest otherwise would be discrimination. It won’t stop with sex and ethnicity. Meet Stefonknee Wolscht, a 50-something year old man who identifies as a 6 year old girl. Are his feelings less real than anyone else’s? I’d argue not, considering they led him to abandoning his wife and seven kids. All of this highlights one truth, no matter how real our feelings may be, we must learn that they cannot always be trusted. 

To this, many transgender advocates will respond with something along the lines of “just let people live their lives, it doesn’t affect you.” Of course, usually their version is a little more colorful, but you get the point. As we have seen, ideas have consequences. Ideas also create laws. Make no mistake about it, everyone reading will be affected. There are kindergarten curriculums teaching children they can choose their own gender. There are high school boys being celebrated for winning female competitions, and there is the opening of the girl’s locker room to any student who wants in. What possibly could go wrong with allowing high school boys in the girl’s locker room as long as they are feeling like a girl at the time? I wish I was making this up. Unfortunately, the changes occurring in schools simply reflect what is occurring in the general public. Thankfully, kids haven’t been fined for using the wrong transgender pronoun yet. But depending on what state we may find ourselves in, a man can be legally protected to enter the same locker room my wife is showering in. For those about to object, stop. I am well aware of the intentions behind the laws being passed, but it is impossible to deny this as an implication. In spite all of this, brace yourself for what comes next.

Forget worrying about the government taking your guns, it is officially time to start worrying about them taking your kids. Earlier this month, a law was passed in Ontario permitting the government to remove children from a household if the parents don’t embrace their chosen gender identity. Get ready America, it’s coming. It becomes evident that what may have begun as an innocent plea for the tolerance of a small group of individuals, has since manifested itself into an ideology demanding legislation diminishing the rights of us all.
Thankfully, there truly is a silver lining to every story. If it were possible to look past everything discussed thus far, one would see that transgenderism is proving the liberal agenda to be self-defeating. As Matt Walsh brilliantly pointed out in one of his articles, feminism and transgenderism cannot coexist simultaneously underneath the same ideology. “Liberalism cannot put forward the notion that a woman’s reproductive organs afford her certain entitlements and special rights while at the same time putting forward the notion that a woman’s reproductive organs are not essential aspects of her womanhood. Liberalism especially cannot claim that men have no business formulating opinions about women’s issues due to our lack of a vagina while at the same time claiming that men can actually be women despite our lack of a vagina."
Before we end, the question about intersex individuals usually will arise at some point. Don’t they have rights too? Well yes, and everything we have discussed up until now has been about individuals who clearly are either male or female. Similar to the ambiguity of defining a mental illness, it is equally as difficult finding agreement on what counts as intersex. What we do know is that it is exceedingly rare. Even the most liberal estimates would place it as 0.067% of the population. If we can agree that these individuals don’t fall into the clearly defined male and female categories, thus making them an exception, then we can proceed with a discussion about them. Until then, it is nonsense to use an exception of the transgender ideology, to advocate the transgender ideology itself.

So now what? As professing Christians, how are we to respond?

First and foremost, I believe we are to pray. Pray not only for the culture that surrounds us, but more importantly for the hearts of the individuals composing it. If I am being honest, even as I write this now, I am convicted by my lack of prayer. The most influential aspect of my life is not found in my words or actions, but instead in my ability to talk with the One whose sovereignty knows no end. 

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” Colossians 4:2

Secondly, I believe we are to be faithful ambassadors wherever God has us. What the world needs most, is to see a group of people whom are genuinely living lives reflective of the faith they claim to believe. A group of people wholly dependent on the gospel, as the ultimate hope for the culture surrounding them.

“Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20
Finally, I think we must speak up, lest our opinions be drowned out. Social media has become the air we breathe and I am convinced we underestimate its influence not only on our lives, but on society as a whole. I am not advocating becoming “that guy” (always ranting) but when opportunities present themselves may we serve as a gentle reminder that, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12


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